Been a while in between posts, but the review that you are about to read is well worth the wait. A few months back I had contacted the creator of a self pleasuring device called The Monkey Rocker. And due to some conflicting schedules and emergencies that creep up on you in everyday life the owner and I lost contact. That is, until I was fortunate enough to get in contact with the owner/inventor/creator, Dan Siechert, about a week ago. I was honored and fortunate enough to get a tour of the shop of where these magnificent machines are created. Initially, I was a bit timid to sit down (fully clothed, mind you) on a toyless monkey rocker. Besides, how was I to know if this was going to be my bag or not. Well luckily for me, I got my very own demo model that I was able to pick up and bring home a few days after my tour of the shop. The seats were even custom covered in a beautiful Sugarplums purple that was identical to the color of my Sugarplumsonline logo.
So once I got it home, I was in awe of the craftmanship and the beauty of the device. The attention to detail that went into the creation of this high-end device was astounding. Even the packaging and instructions were impressive. I was tempted to call

So once I had my toy of choice and a bit of warming up, it took about a minute to find my rocking groove. I was initially using the handle, but once I was able to get the rhthym going with my legs it freed up my hands to do some other exploring. I do not believe that the Monkey Rocker is intended to be used by itself because once I realized that I had full use of my hands, I put them and my mouth to work on my husband who was more than thrilled to participate in my rockin' sextravaganza. The height of the monkey rocker was perfect. My husband was able to sit on the edge of our bed while I was able to simutaneously keep on rockin', orally please him, AND hold a vibrator with my right hand for clitoral stimulation. Surprisingly, even with a few cocktails in me it didn't take all that much coordination. It sounds like it would, but it didn't. Being able to receive hands free penetration and still be able to control the depth of penetration was amazing. There are sometimes when a woman is about to orgasm, she prefers just a little bit of rapid, short jabs of penetration...and then there are times when she prefers a deep, slow penetration. The Monkey Rocker allows for whatever type of penetration you desire. So my very first night (and certainly not my last) with the monkey rocker was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! After having shared my experience with some friends of mine, I was bombarded with offers to babysit it if I should ever have the need for someone to keep an eye on it for me. Seems that there is going to be quite the waiting list for volunteer Monkey Rocker babysitters.
Update! The Monkey Rocker™ was just spotted on the intro to HBO's Cathouse.
And Brooke Taylor (HBO's Cathouse) said she loved the Monkey Rocker On The Howard Stern Show.
I got my wife one for a surprise and couldn't pry her off it for days! LOL
She liked it so much that she let her mom use it, now her mom wants one.
Wow...I would really like to see how she used it...jusmark11@hotmail.com
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